Cum libertas moritur societas patitur.
What will we do for you?
We will:
- Remove the government's grasp over everyone in our homeland.
- Reduce fraud, corruption, crime, and other evils we normally deal with on a daily basis
- Replace the property tax with a 7% sales tax, meaning the average citizen wont have to pay anything
- Be unpredictable. We disclose every policy to the public
- Be misleading. We wont lie infront of your face, unlike others.
- Act in or endorce criminal activities. Other candidates being hypocrites and not following their laws was the entire reason this party was created.

Why We Should be Worried about Fruferbu.
By Protonage
I know when people say we should be worried about having Fruferbu as our mayor, they often end up ridiculed, with their property damaged while they can't do anything because they're in jail; but since the mayoral elections for our city are coming up, I feel like we need to focus on what our candidates have done in the past. You may think Fruferbu is innocent and only wants good for his people, but you would know otherwise if you had to experience his torment firsthand. Fruferbu has been known to be irrisponsible with his power, but I know what it's like to be at the end of his unmonitored power's barrel. He even breaks his own rules! He's attempted to burn my property to the ground multiple times, causing 100's of emeralds in damage, including his damage control for when he realizes he messed up. He's spawned random mobs in my home. He even arrested me for defending my property from an intruder when he had trespassed on my property multiple times and even stole a couple items from my chest! He is ruining the government's integrity and endangering people's lives. He also places unnecessary taxes on people when they are already unable to pay for a single square meter of land. So on top of endangering lives and damaging the government's integrity to an almost unreparable state, he also makes people who are unable to pay the government for simply existing give up their land that they had already bought. All of this for what benefit? That's the question I want y'all to ask yourselves today. Please, if you are thinking about voting for Fruferbu in this mayoral election, please reconsider. Every vote against him counts.